
1. PayPal

Payment via PayPal using your PayPal account or VISA, MasterCard, American Express card. It is easy and safe way to transfer money.

The payments are deposited immediately. Limit of one transaction including PayPal commission is ¥ 1 000 000.

PayPal charges 3.4% + JP¥ 40 per transaction to the payment recipient. We deposit the amount you have sent less the said fee.

In case your card was declined by PayPal, do the following:

  • Register PayPal account,
  • Verify your card and try to make payment using your PayPal account.

2. International bank transfer

This payment method is more convinient and cheaper in case you want to deposit a large amount for a long term dealing. We would recommend you to make a payment in Japanese yen; also, it is possible to effect transfer in USD or Euro, with further conversion to JPY based on current exchange rate.

The payments are deposited within two or three business days.

Both side banks commission should be paid by sender.

The bank details are as follows:


Account Number: 0032867948001

IBAN No : AE020400000032867948001


RAK BANK Maktoum St.,Deira

Additional information

Currency exchange rates
  • Today
  • 03/23/2021
  • change
  • $ / ¥
  • 107.64
  • 107.86
  • -0.22
  • € / ¥
  • 127.18
  • 128.40
  • -1.22

The USD to JPY and EUR to JPY currency exchange rates are applied in case you deposit money in your local currency by wire transfer to our bank account in Japan.

The rates are updated once at 10:30a.m., Japanese local time (UTC + 9), on every bank business day.

Please note that in the event of sharp exchange rate movements, the rates may be changed by the bank without prior notice; in this case, the rates set in the morning are displayed on our website, but the new rates will be applied for conversion.


If you want to refund, please send a message to the Accounting Department via your account on our website; do not forget to specifiy the amount to be refunded.

Refund of payment made through the Paypal is possible no later than 180 days from the date of payment and PayPal commissions will be withheld.

For the refund of payment made through international bank transfer please provide us the following data:

  • bank details in English including name, address, bank SWIFT CODE and account number,
  • name of recipient and address of residence in English.

Banking fees of ¥ 5,000 will be deducted from the refund amount.

How to get the Invoice?

If it is necessary for customs clearance procedures, etc., you can create an invoice and specify desired total amount for your order, using your account on the website.